Hanging out with Marine Life: Manila Ocean Park Adventure

Manila Ocean Park is a place for both young and old. It brings out that little child in every adult that can’t help but get fascinated with the beauty of marine life.
Two weeks before the actual trip, we have busied ourselves with organizing schedules on how we can fit all the attractions in a single day. The shows only run on specific times and we have to make the most of everything. One thing is for sure though, we were excited.
As the date approaches, we become more and more stressed with our plans, only to find out our efforts are useless. When we fall in line, (well we started the line), the ticket counter has already set a schedule for the shows which pretty much ruined what we have planned. Thankfully though, there’s this nice lady from the information desk that help us out with our schedule.

First stop: Jellies Exhibit



I have never seen any animal that can move as graceful as they do. Thanks to the beautiful lighting and the wonderful choice of background music, it feels as if these jellies are dancing to the tune. They are very translucent and even though there weren’t so many, we could’ve just sat there for hours and ogle.

Second stop: Birds of Prey
We were able to get inside although not supposed to because it was supposed to be for those who scheduled, either way, we were in. It was only about three rooms tops combined and all I could really see were eagles and nothing more. Within five minutes we were done looking and went back outside to wait for the Sea Lion Show.

Third Stop: Sea Lion Show
The show is fun and really entertaining. I do not have any clue as to how they were able to train them but the seals were really funny and witty and smart. The show lasted for about half an hour and all I could do is hope for more.

Fourth Stop: The Penguin Talk Show
My companion likes this attraction the least. Well, I guess this will be the last one on mine too. It’s kind of corny and not really that great. Why we even rushed to fall in line at once seems useless. There weren’t many people inside and it’s just a man doing a voice-over to a penguin so it seems like it is interacting with us. I also hate the graphics.No pictures for this one.

Fifth Stop: All Star Bird Show
This isn’t as fun as the sea lion show but it was okay nonetheless. The birds did some math and flew all over the stadium. There were some ooohs and aaahs but again the sea lion show is so much better.

Sixth Stop: Shark and Rays Dry Encounter
This attraction is not that exciting, also since it is a dry encounter. We just got to dip our hands at the water and touch the back of the rays. It was over within seconds. What actually took a long time is how we had to wait before the guy with the camera gets to take our picture. We thought it was free but then we had to pay Php150.00 for a printed copy.

Seventh Stop: Oceanarium
This is the famous attraction of Manila Ocean Park where they have a large aquarium that you can view from below. Boy, was it filled with marine life. There were mini tanks with different species, and then there was the large one that has almost all of them. It is very crowded inside and we really thought the large aquarium would be longer than it actually is. I give it a 7 out of 10.

Eight Stop: Snow Village
This is the coldest part of the place with fake snow and well there is already ice (not fake snow) on the floor. It was really small, about one tenth the size of snow wold of Star City. In about eight minutes, we were already out the door.

Ninth Stop: Trip to Antartica
Last but not the least, it was time to have fun with the penguins. It was cold, of course and then we get to see penguins play over a small aquarium looking place. We also did not get to experience the slide o fun due to maintenance.

Last Stop: Musical Fountain Show
This attraction is really worth seeing. As the light goes out and the music starts to play, we were enchanted by the magnificent display of lights and projection of wildlife creatures entertaining us all. There is even some dance numbers from the staff of the show. What makes it special is that it is projected on water itself. Simply spectacular.

And that concludes our trip…

Tagaytay-Nasugbu Mini-Adventure

Tagaytay is one of the country’s popular tourist destination because of its magnificent scenery and high altitude. In my own words, I like to call it ‘Little Baguio’, a place filled with destinations to explore and enjoy.

Getting there:
From Manila, go to Coastal Terminal and ride either a bus going to Mendez or Nasugbu. Get off at Olivares Terminal, Tagaytay City. The fare is P74.00. Travel time takes about two hours (light traffic).

Picnic Grove:
From Olivares terminal, ride a jeepney going to People’s Park. It passes by Picnic Grove (Fare: 11.00). There is an entrance fee of Php50.00 per person. Inside, you will be bombarded with plenty of activities to do, but each with a tag price. You may choose to ride a horse for Php250.00 per hour or maybe just take a picture for Php20.00 (unlimited shots).
The view is just magnificent. You can see Taal Lake from a distance, a tiny island surrounded by crystal blue water.
We tried out the famous ‘Tagaytay Zipline Adventure’ for Php300.00 per person inclusive of a picture. At first I was kind of scared because I have a fear of heights, but then it wasn’t scary at all. The ride was slow and over before I even get the hang of it. We thought that they would get a picture while we were in mid-air, so me and my companion had smiled and did the superman pose all throughout our ride. We were wrong though, what we thought was a camera was nothing but a black mark on a wheel. Picture taking happens at the end of the ride, while still suspended in mid-air.

We had lunch at Karooh-Karooh (?), a restaurant just in front of Picnic Grove. We wanted to try Tagaytay’s famous bulalo, but it was too pricey for our budget trip (450 per bowl good for 2-3 persons). We ordered other dish from the menu and ended regretting it. It didn’t taste that good at all. We should’ve seen earlier that the next door restaurant also sell bulalo for only Php250.00. Oh well, all is done and there is nothing we can do about it.

People’s Park:
From Picnic Grove, we waited for a jeepney going to People’s Park (Fare is 10.00). Entrance fee to the place is Php 30.00 per person. It was quite a short and yet a little tiring for those not so outdoorsy walk because it is uphill. It was really cold because we were at the highest peak of Tagaytay but let me tell you that the trip is definitely worth it. The view is even more magnificent than from Picnic Grove.
There were little shops around selling souvenir items (but we did not buy any) and some models doing a photoshoot. We just stayed sat there and just enjoyed the view. There isn’t that much to explore but when we were doing so, we felt this weird creepy cold chill when we tried to go inside the second floor. It looks abandoned and dark, and felt like the place where ghosts will show themselves to you. We never even made it inside the door, and we never tried to go back.
It is quite sad that the place is not maintained properly. It could look better in my opinion.
After that, it’s time to head on again to another destination. There were no jeepneys in the entrance of the park, so we had to walk for about twenty minutes before we reached the terminal. We tried hitchhiking but to no avail.

Sky Ranch:
From the terminal, we rode back to Olivares terminal (Fare: 16.00) and rode another jeepney to Sky Ranch (Fare: 8.00). Admission fee is Php50.00 per person but you have to pay separately for each of the ride. The first ride we tried is Sky Viking (Php100.00), it is the smaller version of Enchanted Kingdom’s Anchor’s Away. We thought we can handle it well, but then with every swing, my stomach starts feeling not quite normal. Gravity is working against my body. I am lifted off my chair already, my feet were no longer touching the floor of the vessel. I just kept on shouting and shouting and closed my eyes. It went as far as 88 degrees, I think. It was one hell of a ride, and given the chance I would do it all over again.
The next ride we tried is Sky Cruiser (Php100.00). We really thought it was like the one in Caliraya with a two-wheeled bike suspended on a cable and you pedal. IT WAS NOT. I really regret buying tickets to the ride because although it gives you a good view of the lake, it feels stupid. It is on a flat track and you just pedal a large version of a pedicab. Boring. Mind you, we were the only one who rode it.
Last but definitely not the least is the Sky Eye, the Philippine’s tallest ferris wheel at present. It wasn’t sundown yet so there was no romantic view. The ride is over before I could even realize it. It was just okay.

Calaruega Church:
From Sky Ranch, we rode a jeepney going to Mendez and got off at NBI (8.00) but it is possible to walk from Sky Ranch to there in just fifteen minutes. We waited for a bus going to Nasugbu for about twenty minutes. We got off at Batulao (Fare: Php50.00). We then rode a tricycle (Php50.00) to see Calaruega Church, also called as Church on the hill. We paid the Php30.00 admission fee and were blown away at how beautiful, serene, and peaceful the place is. The place closes at 5PM and we arrived there at around 3:30PM, and we wish that we were there earlier. I am at lost for words on how magnificent the place is. It is super relaxing and would really take off all the stress you have in your body.
There were quite a few attractions in the area. There is the lettuce garden, the worm farm, the chapel on the hill, and other things as well. They also have a koi pond which contains the biggest koi I have ever seen in my life. It is just wonderful. There is also the hanging bridge that is fun to cross, especially when it keeps on swaying left and right. This place is perfect to just relax and enjoy nature, there are even wooden swings all over the place that you can try. We just can’t believe how cheap the entrance is. I would definitely go back there.
By five pm, it was time for us to go. It was quite a long walk from the church to the highway but fortunately (at long last), we were able to hitchhike to a family car. They also went to the church and just like us have nothing but good words to say about the place. We weren’t able to get their names nor their plate number but we are deeply grateful to them.
On the highway, we just waited for a bus going to Manila (fare: 111.00) and that concludes our trip.

We started the trip at 6AM, arrived at Tagaytay at around 10AM and was able to get back to Manila by 7:30PM. Of all the day trips that I’ve had, this is one of the best, Calaruega alone would have done it already.

Intramuros & Rizal, Bagumbayan Light and Sound Museum


Intramuros, Manila is considered as the crown jewel of Spain during their occupation in the Philippines. I call it ‘Spain’s Little Kingdom’. Just like any royal city, it has once been surrounded by walls that separated those with pure-blood and they consider in their league with Filipinos they regard to as Indios. The only way for a Filipino to get in is if s/he will submit to slavery. The city is filled with memoirs of the Philippines during the 18th century wherein some has been preserved for Filipinos and tourist alike to know of the stories that had transpired beneath the walls.

The Museum
Located along Victoria St, about twelve to fifteen minute walk from the entrance near City Hall, is an establishment built certain events in the Philippine History that had led to the freedom of the country from Spain. This establishment is none other than Intramuros & Rizal, Bagumbayan Light and Sound Museum.

The museum has been divided to three eras, pre-colonial era, the Spanish regime, the story of Jose Rizal. Unlike other museums that only allows you to view artifacts and relics from various centuries, this museum offers something new and fun for both children and adult alike.

Inside, there are various sceneries set-up to set the mood of the narration to be told by a familiar voice we have heard so many times before during historical documentaries. For every scene, there will be a spot light directed towards a wax figure depicting the scene that is being told.

The first part is a cave-like scenery that tells of how the Spaniards had discovered the Philippines, up to the battle of Mactan. Some of the wax mannequins have voice-over when lighted to add a more realistic effect.

The second part, you will feel as if you are inside a ship, with moving waves across the windows. Later on, you will step on to shore where they will tell you of how trading and galleon trade works at the time.

Some of the mannequins actually move and would give you quite a shock if you are beside one of them. If you look closely, you will see that the hands are very detailed and realistic.

Among other scenes depicted is the tearing of cedulas of the Katipunero, the Cavite mutiny, Rizal’s stay in Europe, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, the death march, Gomburza, and up to the death of Jose Rizal.

At the end of the tour, you will walk towards doors opening showing the bright and sunny Intramuros, making you somewhat feel what the Filipinos then felt when they realize they are finally free from the claws of Spain.

Inside the Walls: Intramuros
From ruins and 18th century houses, there are many attractions that will surely feast one’s eyes as they walk along the walls of Intramuros.
The city also houses the famous Manila Cathedral which has been popular for the wedding of many known celebrities and for the festive ornaments and decorations that it has inside.
It is also home to Manila Bulletin, one of the country’s leading newspaper that brings to people unbiased day to day news in and out of the country.
There are still many museums and shops to pop-in to that lets you buy little souvenirs.
Last but not the list, there is also Fort Santiago, where one can trace the steps of Dr. Jose Rizal as he walk towards his final moments.


Book Cum Ethnology Museum & Beeffalo: A Review


Situated at the heart of Marikina City is a newly-built museum for the history and book enthusiast alike. For only Php100.00 admission fee, guests are provided with a guided tour of both the book museum and the ethnology museum.

First Stop: Book Museum
The whole museum has been built in honor of the proponent’s father, Atty. Dominador Buhain. Inside the book museum are books, magazine and other printed paraphernalia that he has acquired throughout his travel to 215 countries around the world.Before you get to see his collections, you will have to go around the building first. At the front, the walls are divided into two murals, the left (if you are facing the museum) tells the history of printing in the world, the other, the printing history in the Philippines. One of the highlight of the museum is the smallest printed book in the world. Actually, it is a tablet with Chinese scripture. The writing is even smaller than my own and you would have to use a magnifying glass to read it (if you can read Chinese, but don’t worry, there’s a translated version you can read on top of the glass display). They also have miniature copies of the works of Shakespeare that would make your eyes ogle.
At the back of the museum is another mural depicting modern day Marikina. There is fish pond underneath that is a replica of the Marikina River. The mural shows the various places to visit in Marikina such as the Shoe Museum and Science Centrum among others.
The museum is also filled with marble feet. They have benches with feet as the well feet, and marble feet statues of the Buhain clan.

Last Stop: Ethnology Musem
The ethnomology museum has been the highlight of the trip. It featured Atty. Dominador Buhain’ collection of artifacts from Visayas and Mindanao (most are from Cordillera).The artifacts serves as a mirror as to how the Philippine natives live. From hunting gears to household tools, and even real life coffins, you can find them at the museum. You will even get to see skulls of human, crocodiles, dogs and other animals and find out their significance to the natives’ daily lives.
There is also a room in the museum where you are free to browse photos of Atty. Dominador and his adventures abroad.

Just like other museums, taking of photographs are not allowed, which is kind of disappointing. I would have loved the book museum more, if only they have a space for a library where one can feel free to read some books. It doesn’t have to be those in display on the glass shelves, just a thought of a library inside and the wonder of what books one might encounter would be worth it.

Side Trip: Beeffalo
Thanks to Groupon vouchers, me and my companion are able to save more than Php300 for a lovely dinner for two. For only Php288, we get Php600.00 worth of dining experience to Beeffalo.
The restaurant is located along Gil Fernando Ave.(about twenty minute walk from Blue Wave Mall). The ambiance of the restaurant is homey and pleasant, perfect for a family get-together.
Outside there are picnic benches with romantic lighting, perfect dates and even a barkada gimmick. Although we didn’t get to see the place in action at dark, we truly enjoyed our meal.

Seafood and Corn Chowder (Php90): A soup that will satisfy your craving for seafood combined with soft and sweet bites of corn. It’s creamy and delicious, making every sip and bite worth it.
Buffalo Chicken (195): You’ll get three slices of buffalo chicken which you can dipped in their special honey sauce. I never knew chicken and honey could be perfect for each other. I also tried the chicken with their homemade gravy and teriyaki sauce, and each just works perfectly well with each other. You can hear the crunch of the breading with every bite, making the eating experience more enjoyable.
Porterhouse (385)
The dish might sound expensive but it is definitely worth the price. We were served 250g of steak (well-done) that was cooked to perfection. The meat isn’t too tough or too soft, it’s just perfect. Put in some teriyaki sauce and you’ll get heaven in your mouth.

Our day has been filled with laughter, learning and even more laughter. It only goes to show that you need not spend so much to have a wonderful time. There are many places nearby that you could visit which would give you memories to rekindle from time to time.

Why You Shouldn’t Fear Rejection

Many people would look at me and see a confident girl who can take over the world if she wanted to. With her charm, her wit, her mind, and everything that she is, it seems like she can get what she wants. What I’ve just written are just assumptions of course, I never really know what people thinks of me. Well news flash: I’m not perfect, I’m a scaredy cat, I’ve had my fair share of failures and mistakes that led me to be how I am today.

It saddens me when I hear people, especially those who I love and know, those people whose potentials are clearly burning brightly but are afraid to let the world see and experience it. They keep telling that they fear rejection, failure, and it is what holds them from trying.

I’m not good enough. I can’t do it. I don’t qualify. I don’t think I can These are the words that I often hear them use as an excuse. I really just don’t understand why. How do they know if they won’t even try? There is no harm in trying is what I say. So what if you don’t get it, it simply means that it isn’t for you. It has nothing to do with who you are, it doesn’t diminish your character, you’re still you, the wonderful you.

I’m the type of girl that grabs almost every opportunity that comes my way. I’m the queen of part-time, coupons and everything else. If there is something that interest me, I try it out. I’ve been rejected to job offer once, twice, as much as four. I’ve been denied chances to win on contest or even to participate in one. I’ve also been rejected on the aspect of love, and that was the biggest rejection of my life.

Long ago, I’ve had my fair share of heartbreak which caused an emotional trauma. I cried my eyes out for half a year and I felt like a zombie, meaning empty. I don’t know how to live. After almost four years of being a happy couple, he suddenly doesn’t want me anymore. Somewhere along the way, he decided he doesn’t want to be with me. With one phone call during Christmas, without any explanation whatsoever, he left me. At the time, I never wanted to try again, in love that is. For a hopeless romantic such as myself, that meant that I’ve really hit the down low.
I fearED that the person I might fall in love with next will not love me as well. I felt that no one would seriously, hopelessly fall in love with me.

Two years later, I met a wonderful guy. He has everything I wanted in a man, a stable job, a beautiful heart and mind, plus the attitude of a true man, and has good looks too. I was so afraid of trying to fall in love again. I was afraid and never even thought of the possibility of him liking me back. My fear had caused me him. I lost him, all because I was too afraid, and by the time I was ready to face my fear, it was too late. He did liked me, but he feared rejection too. It was an almost love story, one where we were but we weren’t.

That particular stage in my life had thought me the lesson, that I shouldn’t have been scared. Yes I’ve lost the person I almost or maybe I did fall in love with again, but that doesn’t mean that there is no one else out there for me. Soon enough, I met him, the guy who turned my life around.

He is the weirdest, coolest and astonishingly ridiculous person I’ve ever met. He stripped me off my vanity and insecurities. He made me feel special and happy, and loved. He is just so worth it, the pain and whatever it might cause me, that I just couldn’t NOT TRY to work things out. I’ve learned my lesson, so with everything I am, with trembling bones and pounding heart, I’ve admitted I love him. We’ve been together ever since, sure we have our dramas and other episodes of heartbreak but we fight off our obstacles hand in hand.

Dear Love, if you are reading this, I want you to know that I have fallen in love with you because you have a lovely character and yet there are still more of you I see that you seem to be blinded of. It hurts me that you don’t believe in yourself as much as you should. You’re talented, you’re awesome, you are just too lazy to try. Someday when you’re ready, which I hope is soon, I hope you get out there and show the world what you’re capable of. Get out there and together we’ll make all our dreams come true.

Dear Nana

Dear Nana, how I wish that you are here
To brush my hair and whisper love on my ear
Let me sit on your lap as I cry my eyes out
For Nana, I just got myself a broken heart

I fell in love with a handsome young lad
He’s the best thing that I’ve ever had
But then I screwed it up and said goodbye
Now I don’t know what to do but cry

Dear Nana, won’t you tell me things will be okay
That everything will be fine at the end of the day
Oh how I miss you, how I long for your advice
You were always so sweet and has always been wise

Nana, would you know if he’s coming back to me
Would you know if the two of us are meant to be?
Can we put a band-aid so my chest would stop hurting
For this pain I feel is just too consuming

A Poem For Elmer


Dear Friend, has it been ten years already
We’re starting to grow old and I’m not ready
How I love to reminisce about our good old days
From puberty to college, we were together every phase

You were the one I cried to whenever my heart gets broken
You’re the goody two shoes that don’t let bad things happen
For every man in my life, you were there to scold me and support
For every teardrop that I shed, I had your hand to hold

No matter how far the distance that physically exists between us
I know that you will always be someone that I can trust
You’re the only person who can make my stomach hurt laughing
Just for being you, a funny, silly, wonderful being

Today is your birthday, sorry I can’t be there
Maybe on the next, or next next, heck we have forever
I’m here for the long run, the friend who give you headache
You can count on me to help you heal if you ever have heartbreaks

Ranting about Porn, Infidelity and my view of loyalty


Whenever I hear my boyfriend say how sexy, how hot,or how yummy another girl looks, whether it’s a Victoria Secret model or a girl we just saw passing by, I feel a little insecure. I am not tall, nor do I have super boobs or a rocking ass that he seems to prefer in a girl.
There is no problem with acknowledging that a girl looks pretty, but it’s different when you’re saying something that refers to her sexuality. Sometimes I even think that given a chance, he’d take it and go after the girl. I know he loves me with all his heart but still I can’t prevent my brain from thinking otherwise at some situations.
If a man’s perspective of beauty, especially my man’s is towers away from what I am, then it makes me feel that he does not regard me as beautiful.
Honestly, I am sick and tired of porn, sex magazine, girls who are regarded for their sexuality rather than their personality. I am a human being, all girls are, and we should not be treated as objects or be graded based on how “hot” we look. With guys continuously patronizing those objects and thoughts, then the more the industry grows. I don’t understand how men think, now how do other girls think, what I write is based on my opinion alone. Sure, there are men that I find really attractive and sexy but I never and would never think of them sexually. I have a man I love and he is enough for me.
Men would say they are loyal, the ‘chicks’ are just a feast for the eyes and that they would not even think of doing it. It’s all in the mind. Well, that is a lie. Loyalty is not just about not going to bed with another person who is not your partner. It’s also about devoting your heart, mind and desire to only one being. Men would use the excuse ‘It’s normal… It’s biological’ Well, that’s crap. If you love a girl, if you truly do you would not want to make her feel unsecured and doubtful.
I do see other guys as handsome but I never think of anything sexual about them. All I see is how good looking he is. Also, if he’s the male equivalent of a bimbo, then he’s off the list. You can admire beauty and not be malicious. YES YOU CAN! IT MAY BE HARD BUT YOU CAN!
So for example you see a video of a girl with big boobs boxing around, and you keep staring at her breasts. You are being malicious. You are thinking OF THAT GIRL’S BREAST, at the back of your mind if you can do something you would do something about those coconuts. That is still cheating.
For those used to it, it’s hard to shake the habit, but if you really want to, you could. You just need a motivation, a goal, and commitment. Your goal is to shake off the malicious habits, the motivation, loving your girl the right way, and of course commit yourself in doing so. Refrain from watching people having sex or pictures of people almost nude. It is unhealthy for your soul.
It’s not me being too righteous, or if it is,it’s who I am.I want a man that would love me the right way, a man I can trust and depend on. Think about this, if your relationship is hanging on a balance, between you and your malicious acts, what would you choose? Who do you love more, is it your vice or your relationship? Just ponder on the thought.

The Truth Unveiled

images (1)
My body shivers but not from the cold
Scared of whatever truth I might unfold
You told me to ask your side of the story
I did, you lied, so don’t tell me you’re sorry

Maybe you’re only sorry that you’re caught
Please don’t tell me that it is my fault
All I ask was honesty and yet you failed
You throw our relationship to the flames

I feel like a fool, I feel hurt and cheated
Never had I feel a wreck and devastated
Gave my heart and soul to someone I thought worthy
Who in the end turned out to be just playing me